Janae Sherman - St. George Midwife
Mobile: 435.669.5358
email - janae.midwife@gmail.com
More women are learning about and experiencing the benefits of a Drug Free birth. Discover why these woman chose to birth naturally and read about their experiences.
You Need To Know...
A natural home birth is safe. It's true! Women are most likely to labor best in a place where they feel free, safe, and private, with attendants whom they know and trust.

Look at the studies. Educate yourself. You might be surprised to find that, on average, a midwife assisted natural birth may result in less chance of complication, fewer interventions, and a healthier birth for you and your baby.

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St George Utah Doula Services

What is A Doula?

"Doula" is a Greek word that, roughly translated, means a woman in service of another woman. In many cultures, it was customary for a laboring woman to be attended by other women in her family and community.

These days, many mothers report that they only see their doctor during the time it takes to catch the baby, or that the doctor 'pops in' for a moment but never stays for more than a quick check in. In contrast, a doula provides constant supportive presence throughout the labor and delivery process, attending to the continual comfort of the expectant mother.

A Doula can ensure the best possible care in a medical setting

I am committed to you regardless of the setting you choose, be it at home or at the hospital. I want to be where women are giving birth and as your Doula, I can provide continual emotional and physical support throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

The birth of your child can be one of life’s most amazing moments. I hope to assist you in experiencing the joy of birth!

Saint George Midwife Services

The services I offer cover everything from advice on nutrition to the delivery of your baby. With the right information and proper preparation, you can have a successful home birth experience.

During our time together, I hope to develop a lasting friendship as well as give you everything you need to have an experience worth cherishing.

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